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Restaurant Review – Tweet

One of the best things about living in a big city is the magnitude and proximity of delicious restaurants. This week took me to Tweet, a brunch-only destination in the Uptown neighborhood. Their website states, “Our goal at Tweet is to prepare and serve, with love, the freshest, hormone-free, antibiotic-free, organic when possible: eggs, dairy, vegetables and fruit, subject to market availability.”

Restaurant Review – Handlebar

Normally when someone suggests a vegetarian or vegan restaurant, I’m hesitant to go along with it. I am so glad I didn’t shy away from Handlebar. Located at 2311 W. North Ave., this cozy spot is tucked into the busy Wicker Park neighborhood. Handlebar serves made-from-scratch vegetarian and vegan comfort food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Restaurant Review – Antique Taco

Wicker Park is an explosion of restaurants and bars, making it one of the hottest food neighborhoods in Chicago. After a matinee at a theatre nearby, a group of us stumbled into Antique Taco. We started with two classic appetizers: guacamole and queso.

Kathy’s Home & Garden Tips – The Many Uses of Epsom Salts

Old- fashioned remedies have survived many years for a reason: they work! Epsom salts are one of these. Epsom salts are comprised of magnesium and sulfate. They get their name from a small borough in Surrey, England called Epsom. The salts were first discovered in the bubbling springs there. Epsom salts have many uses in the home and garden besides soaking a sprained ankle.