Kathy’s Home & Garden Tips – Epsom Salt for Health and Home

Epsom salt was originally discovered and named for the town in England where it was discovered, Epsom. It has been used since the early 17th century and was once the most popular medicinal remedy in England. Epsom salt is chemically known as magnesium sulfate and has many beneficial uses around the home.

I’m sure everyone has heard that soaking in an Epsom salt bath is useful for many ailments. One of the ailments Epsom salt can help is low serotonin levels in the body, which can affect mood, sleep, and appetite. Low magnesium levels often cause low serotonin. Magnesium is drawn into the body by soaking in Epsom salt and can help raise serotonin levels. 

Epsom salts reduces inflammation, relieving aches and pains. It draws out toxins to treat swelling and pain from bruises and sprains. It improves arterial elasticity that will aid in circulation and reduce blood pressure. Soak in a warm (not too hot) bath containing two cups Epsom salt for at least 20 minutes. For a soothing foot soak, try ½ cup of Epsom salt mixed with warm water in a basin to relieve foot pain and treat toenail fungus and athlete’s foot. Mix two tablespoons in one cup of water and spray on sunburn to alleviate pain.

Epsom salt is a natural exfoliant that removes dead skin and impurities. Mix a good pinch in your facial cleanser, rub gently and rinse. It is also antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antiviral, making it an excellent treatment for acne. Mix a bit of Epsom salt with your hair conditioner and leave it in for 20 minutes before rinsing for full volume soft hair. 

Epsom salts have many uses around the home and garden too. Scrub stuck-on food in pots and pans using the salt instead of damaging scouring powders.  Mix Epsom salts with equal parts liquid dish detergent then spread on tile and grout. Let the mixture soak for a few minutes, scrub and rinse. To clean your washing machine, fill it with hot water, and then add one qt. of white vinegar and one cup of Epsom salt. Agitate for two minutes, stop and let soak for 1 hour. Run through the rest of the cycle and then run an additional rinse cycle before using your washing machine again. 

In the garden, add Epsom salt to the soil before planting vegetables. Simply lay a line of Epsom salt around the perimeter of the garden to keep out pests and slugs. Increase foliage by adding Epsom salt to your watering can. Add one tablespoon per gallon for plants outdoors and one teaspoon per gallon for houseplants.