Chicago Home and Lifestyles – 10 things successful people don’t do

You are probably thinking: what do you mean “don’t do”? But many times it’s what we don’t do that is most important to success. Here are 10 things to avoid doing in your life and relationships.
They don’t play the blame game. Taking responsibility instead of blaming isn’t masochistic, it’s empowering. You can focus on doing things better the next time.
They don’t fight to have control. The only thing we can consistently control is our response to whatever we are dealing with at the moment. Control of anything or anyone else is short term at best. It often requires some form of pressure which never makes you feel good about yourself.
They don’t try so hard to impress. People may like your things, but it doesn’t mean they like you. They are just “things”. Genuine relationships make you happy. You’ll start building good relationships when you stop trying to impress and just be yourself!
They don’t cling. We sometimes hold onto what we know when we are afraid or insecure. But it may not be the best thing for us. Let go so you can try to achieve what you want. Trying alone will make you feel better about yourself.
They don’t interrupt others. This is one of my personal pet peeves. Often, we don’t listen but are only thinking about how we are going to reply. Listen to people and focus on what they say. Ask questions. They will love you for it and you will love how it makes you feel.
They don’t whine. Complaining wastes time. Talk about how to make things better, even if that conversation is only with yourself. Do the same with those around you. Friends don’t let friends’ whine; they help make each other’s lives better.
They don’t overly criticize. Everyone is different. Not better or worse, just different. Try to see past peoples’ shortcomings and you will see everyone in a better light, including yourself.
They don’t preach at others. Sometimes we feel we know everything and that we need to tell people everything we think we know. People may hear you, but they don’t want to listen. No one likes to be preached at.
They don’t live in the past. Learn from your mistakes then let them go. It’s easier said than done, but the past doesn’t have to define you. Think about how things went wrong and how to make sure they go right in the future.
They don’t let fear hold them back. Fear is natural, especially when embarking on something new. The great thing is: whatever you want to do you can still do it scared. So take courage and take that step! It doesn’t need to be a big step; it can be small. But every step you make moving forward will get you that much closer to your goal.
Kathleen Weaver-Zech and Dean’s Team Chicago