With just a little preplanning and forethought we can all have a safe and fun Halloween.

If you are welcoming trick-or-treaters to your home make their path safe. Any candle lit pumpkins should be out of the way of little fingers and flowing costumes better yet use LED lights. Make sure the path to your door is free of obstacles. Keep all props off to the side. If you have overhanging decorations see that they are high enough and wide enough to accommodate large groups. Have everything well-lit and accessible. See that railings are secure and safe. Move any flower pots or hoses that are in the path of trick-or-treaters. Keep the area in front of the door as clear as you can. Inevitably 3 or 4 kids will all swarm the door together.

We know the kids all want the coolest superhero or princess outfits. That’s great but always be aware of safety concerns. See that all costumes are flame retardant. Make sure all costumes fit well and don’t drag. This is especially true with younger children. They should be able to move and walk with ease. See that any props are safe and flexible. Masks should not obstruct children’s vision. Put reflexive tape on costumes and treat bags to ensure good visibility. Only go to houses that have lights on.

Plan out your route ahead of time. There should be at least 1 adult for every 4 children. Carry flashlights for even more visibility. Take much care to only cross at crosswalks have an adult in front and back when crossing. Don’t cut through alleys and yards. If older children are going out alone go over their route and give them a specific time to be home. Caution older children to never enter a house or car for a treat.

Although tampering is very rare it’s always a good idea for an adult to check over all the treats to remove anything unwrapped or spoiled. Give all the kids a good meal before trick-or-treating so they are not starving. The next day ration out treats so they are not gorging themselves the next day.


Posted: Tuesday October 27 2015 9:53 AM by Dean’s Team