Grocery prices all around the country and the world are up as much as 40% over last year. We certainly need to watch our pennies with the economy such as it is. Here are a few simple tricks to help as you shop at your local supermarket.

1. Make a shopping list and stick to it. I shop at the same store every week and know it well. As you get familiar you can write your list according to how the store is set up. There will be items you buy every week other things not as often.

2. Clip coupons. But resist the urge to buy items you don’t need just to use a coupon.

3. Sign up for the store frequent shopper card. Some people think this invades our privacy and the store knows everything we buy. I think the savings far outweigh any privacy issues.

4. Store websites also offer savings. Check them out.

5. Buy produce in season. Check store sales papers when you make your shopping list and menu plans for the week. Plan around the items on sale.

6. Shop the entire store. Cheese for example will be much more expensive in the fancy display by the deli. Compare with the prices in the dairy aisle.

7. Look for extra large packages on sale. Make sure you check expiration dates. A bargain doesn’t save money if you end up throwing some of it out.

8. Become familiar with the shelf tags. These will tell you the cost per ounce of the item. This is very helpful. Sometimes packaging can be deceiving. With the per ounce cost you can tell which is the best buy.

9. Meat often is cheaper in a large value pack. Divide and freeze smaller portions. When chicken breasts are on sale I freeze them individually. They thaw quickly and can make a good salad topper or cut into fingers and fry on a grill pan for a fast weekday meal.

10. If you have time it can be worth it to compare sales at several different stores. You may be able to find your favorite brands on sale.

Using these hints will help you save at the supermarket. Happy shopping!


Posted: Thursday March 08 2012 8:08 AM by Dean’s Team