Entries by Admin

7 Things to Look Out For at Open Houses

You can learn a lot about a home from an Open House. While you’re not going to be climbing through the attic or sticking scopes down the plumbing pipes (leave that to the home inspector), you can still find out plenty about a property just by being vigilant.

7 Questions to Ask Your Lender Before Getting a Mortgage

Shopping around for a mortgage involves a lot more than just trying to snag the lowest interest rate. While this certainly is an important component to the mortgage shopping process, it’s only a part of the equation. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran in the world of mortgage applications or a first-timer, there are certain key questions that you should make sure to ask your lender before you agree to a deal. Here’s a look at 7 questions to ask your mortgage lender.

9 Kitchen Design Mistakes to Avoid

No matter how amazing and comfortable the rest of your home may be, there’s something about the kitchen that has everyone congregating to it. No doubt, your kitchen is the hardest working space your home, and should be designed to help make it as efficient as possible. And considering how much of an effect the kitchen has on the overall value of your property, you’d be well advised to make sure its design and style are carefully considered.

7 Features Homebuyers Will Dish Out Extra For

Everyone knows that location is a key factor in dictating how much a property can sell for in a given market. But while close proximity to employment, amenities, and green space are all important to boosting property values, the physical features of the homes themselves obviously also play important roles in how much buyers are willing to pay for them.

6 Tips to Building a Sustainable Greenhouse

Instead of heading to the supermarket for your daily dose of veggies and herbs, imagine being able to pluck them right from your own yard? And rather than buying plants and flowers to adorn your landscaping with, why not grow them yourself?

9 Mortgage Mistakes to Avoid

The mortgage process is a potentially complicated one. During the underwriting process, a number of obstacles can get in the way of your approval. And considering the huge commitment, it’s crucial that you make sure the mortgage you get into is one you can live comfortably with.

7 Curb Appeal Blunders That Can Curtail the Sale of Your Home Sale

Impressions speak volumes when it comes to impressing prospective home buyers. That’s why it’s absolutely crucial that you present your home in such a way that it attracts buyers, rather than repel them. And curb appeal is probably the first component you should address. After all, it’s the exterior lead-up to the home that buyers will first interact with.

INFOGRAPHIC: 8 Signs of a Competitive Housing Market

Sellers revel when buyers are competing for their properties, but buyers themselves can often get disgruntled when they’re snuffed out of offer after offer. Landing the right home isn’t impossible during a competitive real estate market, however, as long as you’re aware of the circumstances you’re dealing with and come to the table prepared.

Home Equity Loans 101: An Introductory Guide

Whether you need to pay for your child’s college education, a major home renovation, or an emergency medical expense, scraping the necessary funds together can be tough, but necessary. But if you currently own a home that you’ve been regularly putting money into via mortgage payments, you just might be able to tap into your home’s equity as a source to fund these major expenses.