The holiday turkey or chicken will leave a lot of tantalizing bones but don’t feed them to your pet. Beware of steak bones too. Small bones or bone chips can lodge in the throat stomach and intestinal tract. Any cooked bones are dangerous. Chocolate is also toxic to pets so make sure everyone knows not to feed any table scraps. Even turkey meat is too rich for pets. If you give them some make sure it’s a small amount.

Holly and mistletoe are extremely poisonous when eaten. The lovely poinsettia may not be truly poisonous but its milky white sap and leaves can certainly cause severe gastric distress. With so many hybrid varieties available each year the best approach is to keep the plants out of your pet’s reach.

Holiday lights mean more electrical cords for kittens and puppies to chew. Be sure you have cords secured and out of the way.

Lighted candles should never be left unattended and that is even more important if left at kitty’s eye level or within puppy’s chewing zone. An exuberant tail or a swat of a paw can turn candles and hot wax into an instant disaster. Anchor candles securely and away from curious faces and feet.

Check around holiday trees frequently. Ingested pine needles can puncture your pet’s intestines. A baby gate can work to keep pets away from the tree. Make sure your tree is well secured. If you have a tree-climbing cat or large dog with a happy tail anchor the top of the tree to the wall using strong cord or rope. Preservatives often used in the water in a tree stand can cause gastric upsets so be sure it is inaccessible with foil or a tree skirt or not used at all. Avoid sugar and aspirin additives in the water as well.

Sharp or breakable ornaments dreidels and even aluminum foil should be kept out of reach. String objects especially tinsel and ribbons are to be safeguarded at all costs. They are thin and sharp and can wrap around intestines or ball up in the stomach.

With everyone coming and going watch out for open doors and sneaky pets. Make sure your pets have updated collars and tags on in case of escape. Microchipping your pet will also help if your pet escapes. All pets should have at least two forms of id on them at all times. Ask guests to keep an eye out for pets under foot and remind them that sometimes your normally friendly dog or cat may be less than willing to deal with enthusiastic children and rooms full of unfamiliar people. Provide a special quiet place with a blanket and fresh water for your pets to retreat to when the festivities get too stressful.


Posted: Tuesday December 20 2011 10:14 AM by Dean’s Team