Kathleen Weaver Zech - Dean's Team Director of Buyers Agency ServicesI believe buying and recycling a fresh Christmas tree is more eco-friendly than an artificial tree. The chemicals used in an artificial tree along with the fuel used to move them around are not eco-friendly.

Choose a tree from a lot or go to your neighborhood home center. For years I’ve been going to Home Depot where a Frasier Fir is under $40 dollars a good price for a good tree. It is really the best tree in my opinion. The needles are short thick and a pleasing blue green color. The smell is evergreen. Some other trees like blue spruce have a resin-like fragrance. Firs and pines are the best for needle retention.

Choosing the tree

Grab the tree by the trunk and bang it on the ground. If a lot of needles fall off the tree is too dry. Run your hand along the needles they should feel soft and pliable not dry and brittle. The cut end of the trunk should be sticky with sap.

Home with the tree

Saw a fresh cut at least two inches off the trunk. If you have this done at the lot you’ll probably be O.K. but get the tree in water immediately when you get home. You can leave the tree in the garage or on the back porch in a bucket if you’re not ready to trim it yet.

Check the water level twice a day for at least the first week once daily thereafter. A fresh tree can suck up a gallon of water a day. I’m not a proponent of using any additives in the water. I’ve tried a couple aspirin and 7-Up to name a few. I have not noticed any difference. Keep the tree stand full of water and you will be fine.

The combination of a dry tree and combustible material can be dangerous. Keep any open flame away from the tree. Try to keep the tree away from heat registers; this will dry out the tree more quickly. Never have the tree lit unless someone is at home and awake! The tree is always turned off before going to bed.

After the holiday recycle your tree. The City of Chicago offers to mulch your tree for free at various locations throughout the city. This is great mulch for trees and garden. Call 311 Chicago info line for locations and schedule.


Posted: Monday December 07 2009 9:45 PM by Dean’s Team