Kathy’s Home & Garden Tips – What To Do During and After a Flood

Flash floods (as the words indicate) can happen quickly. Heavy rains that drop several inches in a short amount of time can cause floods that become dangerous in minutes. If you are out driving, you may come upon a flooded road. Do not ever drive through a flooded road! It is impossible to see how deep the water is. Driving through water is dangerous. Too deep water can cause your car to stall when components get wet. Downed power lines can electrocute you instantly. In the United States, an average of 100 people lose their lives in flooding every year. Flooding is the leading weather- related cause of death. Be careful; even 6 inches of swiftly moving water can sweep you off your feet. Additionally, flood waters almost always contain sewage that will cause illness.

After the flood, cleanup is mandatory. As I said before, flood water almost always contains sewage. Even a few inches in your basement can contaminate everything. Rugs, carpeting, and flooring need to be dried out thoroughly within 24 hours to prevent mold. In my opinion, anything that has touched flood water should be considered contaminated and discarded. Drywall cannot be dried out or cleaned sufficiently to remove mold. It must be replaced. For clean-up, use a solution of 8 ounces bleach to one gallon of water. Make sure the area is well ventilated and use a mask and fans for the fumes. Any electrical equipment that is wet should be checked out by a professional before using.

Preventing flooding is always preferable to cleaning up after a flood. This can be as small as keeping the drains around your home clear and free of debris. Notice how water flows around your house during rain storms.  A simple remedy is to create natural gutters for water to flow away from the foundation. Make sure the soil and other material around the foundation is higher and flows down and away. If you are still having seeping problems, most basement services will come out and give you a free estimate.