KATHY’S HOME & GARDEN TIPS – Houseplants can clean the air and increase our mood


I’m sure everyone knows that plants provide oxygen through the process of photosynthesis but you may not know the extent that house plants can be beneficial in many other ways. Scientists suspect that the mere presence of plants can boost mood and concentration. They believe we are hard wired to connect with nature. Remember when choosing and caring for house plants. Less is more! By far the most plant casualties are caused by over watering and fertilizing than not enough. The following plant species are relatively easy to care for and quite beneficial.

English ivy thrives in most light conditions and only needs a good watering every two weeks. English ivy greatly reduces mold spores in the air. I suffer from mold allergies and have two in my house. Another in the ivy family, Swedish, removes ozone from the air. Ozone is the main damaging component in smog. It is a beautiful plant with white accented heart-shaped leaves.

The tall snake plant (also known as mother-in-law tongue) is almost impossible to kill. It is low maintenance, thrives in medium light and needs sparing water every two weeks or so. Snake plants are superior air cleaners. They are quite effective plants in the bedroom as they release oxygen at night, very beneficial for sleep.

Rubber trees clean airborne bacteria and mold spores from the air. They require a little more care but not much. Tolerates temperatures between 55-80 degrees so don’t put right by the windows in colder climates. Water sparingly, monthly when soil is dry. Once a month wipe the leaves gently with a damp cloth. Not only for aesthetics but to keep their air cleaning power at the optimum.

Keep peppermint plants in the kitchen. They are easy to grow and their fragrance boosts your mood and memory. Snip off a sprig or two to add to your favorite cold weather drink. Peppermint adds a great taste and freshness to tea and hot chocolate.

Cactus plants are great mostly for their interesting shapes and varieties. They have shallow root systems so you could plant them in vintage mugs or other interesting containers. They are the lowest maintenance of all, a monthly dribble of water is all that’s needed. Their benefit is solely the cheer we get when we see them. It’s enough.

Lastly, for those who can’t even handle a low maintenance plant, cut flowers have been a proven mood enhancer especially when purchased for no reason at all or given by a loved one.