6 Ways to Prevent Water Damage in Your Home

Water can do major damage to your home if it’s not contained. It can weaken your home’s structure and foundation, cause mold and mildew, and invite unwanted ants and termites. If your home experiences a leaky appliance or a burst pipe, it’s best to get the issue under control as soon as possible before all that water wreaks havoc on your home.


Here are some steps you can take to protect your home against water damage.

1. Keep Trees Under Close Watch

Landscaping is a must for any home, but you’ve got to keep growth under control. Trees that are too close to the home can grow really long and deep roots that can actually wrap around your pipes and rupture them. Before you even plant trees and shrubs, find out exactly where your pipes are, and make sure not to plant any large species to close to them. If necessary, eliminate any large trees that have grown way too big and are dangerously close to your pipes.

2. Identify and Fix Leaks Right Away

Obviously, as soon as you see water spurting from your faucet, toilet pipes or washing machine, you’ll want to act on the situation right away. But other times leaks aren’t so obvious. It’s important to keep an eye out for any leakage that may show itself as strange moist spots or musty smells.

You may even notice on your water bill that your home is using an unusually large amount of water, yet you haven’t been doing anything different. If you ignore moisture damage or don’t take immediate steps to make repairs, you’ll be dealing with a lot of damage to your home’s structure.


3. Install Water Detectors

Water detectors can be installed near major appliances or water heaters to detect if there is any water leakage. They are small electronic devices that set off an alarm when the sensor comes into contact with any moisture. These are especially helpful in the event of slow leaks that are tough to notice until major damage occurs.

4. Keep Tabs on Your Water Pressure

The pipes and hoses in your home can buckle if the water pressure is set too high. You can easily determine water pressure by attaching a water pressure gauge to an outdoor faucet and turning it on full blast. The device will then provide you with a reading of the water pressure in your home. If it’s too high, your pipes are more vulnerable to bursting under the pressure.

Typical water systems in residences are able to withstand water pressure as high as 70 psi. If your water pressure gauge detects a number over and above 70 psi, you may need a regulator installed to keep the pressure down.

5. Replace Your Washing Machine Hose

After a few years, your washing machine hose will become dry and brittle. Not only does this make them more susceptible to leakage, it can also eventually lead to a full-on burst. Replace your washer’s hose on a regular basis so it’s able to do its job without allowing any damaging water leakage.

6. Shut the Water Main Off When You’re Away on Holidays

When you’re home, you’ll be there to detect any signs of water leakage and therefore take immediate action. But if you’re gone for an extended period of time, anything can happen, and no one will be there to deal with it. Before you take off for holidays, make sure to shut off the water main. This will prevent any water entering your home through its pipes, and therefore minimize the odds of any water damage in your home.

Water damage can be extremely detrimental to the integrity of your home. It can result in really expensive repairs and cumbersome homeowner’s insurance claims. By taking the above steps, you can drastically reduce the odds of water seeping into areas it shouldn’t be in, and prevent a soppy, costly disaster.