Happy woman waking up after sleep, lying in bed in the morning

Chicago Home and Lifestyles – Start a good morning routine for a New Year

Happy woman waking up after sleep, lying in bed in the morning

There are many ways to start out your morning depending on what you have going on. There is no one, perfect routine. The goal is to match your routine to your goals at the moment. If work is most important, you may need to tackle those tasks first. If you are focusing on health and fitness, a healthy breakfast or exercise can be first. Here are some different routines to serve you no matter what you have going on. 

If your goal is energy, then before doing anything you should go out and move! Choose your favorite, whether it’s running and swimming or pushups and squats. If you’ve struggled with staying on an exercise program in the past this can be a good way to keep it regular. This habit also wakes you up and gets you alert and functioning at your best.

If your goal is calm, then meditation is another way to start the day. Do it sitting in a chair or on the floor. If you try it in bed, you’ll likely fall back asleep. Try a 30-minute session. Meditation leaves you calm and focused. It’s good especially if you are expecting a stressful day.  

If your goal is productivity, some benefit from getting right to work. This routine can really boost your productivity. You get some work done first then you can take a break later to have breakfast and the rest of your normal routine. You take a break when you need it. Great for those very busy times. 

If your goal is mental clarity, learning something new first thing in the morning is another good routine. You can practice skills, read books, watch lectures or simply study. This is important when you want to work on an important learning goal and never seem to have the time. 

If your goal is momentum, morning time can be good for fleshing out your to-do list. Are there going to be complications? What do you need to focus on? Give yourself a little fudge time in your schedule for those inevitable additions. Planning your day is also a great routine for the night before.

If your goal is feeling refreshed, I recommend making your bed and straightening out your surroundings first. Little habits like that put your mind in order as well. It gives you a sense of refreshment, highlighting that it’s a brand new day. If by any chance your day is less than wonderful it is so much better to come home to orderliness. It gives you encouragement that tomorrow will be better. 

Kathleen Weaver-Zech and Dean’s Team Chicago