Unhappy woman at home with computer

Chicago Home and Lifestyles – Using Stoic principles to stay sane

Unhappy woman at home with computer

Stoicism is an ancient Greek and Roman philosophy. It helped the ancient world deal with wars, plagues, famine and instability. It is now enjoying a resurgence. It is especially helpful in our chaotic world where we are overloaded with information. No matter where you fall on the political spectrum it can be helpful to keep you sane.

Know what’s in your control. First you need to use the control test. Determine what things are under your control and assess where you need to direct your energy. Most times the things are not in our direct control, and the point is to make peace with that. Energy should always be directed into areas where we do have control. 

Stay well informed. Unfortunately, much of the information we get today can be faulty. One thing that separates us from animals is the ability to think rationally. Try to act on good information from strong sources and contemplate the situation fully. Don’t rush to judgement without being fully informed. 

Think for yourself. Don’t let yourself be sabotaged by adopting the negative attitudes of others. You have certainly heard the term “mob mentality”. Mobs can whip up a frenzy and seldom use reason. Make up your own mind thinking rationally, staying away from the high emotions of others. 

Try to stay relaxed. Ancient philosophers strived for a state of ataraxia. That is a state where you are free from worry and stress. The more tranquil you are the less likely you will combust if something doesn’t go your way. This way you don’t ruin your day and can even make someone else’s day better too. 

Seek peace. We all have to deal with difficult people. But remember even these people are human and they may have problems of their own to deal with. We were all born to work together. You cannot control these people but you can control your reactions, so try your best to be compassionate and peaceful. If this fails, simply remove yourself from the situation. 

Don’t act from a place of anxiety. Life is full of change. If you are relaxed and expect it, you can deal with it much better. Use the control test to calm anxiety. Is it out of your control? If not, it’s not worth worrying about. The universe is built on change. Our thoughts help us decide how to feel about it. The one way to happiness is to stop worrying about things which are beyond our control.

Kathleen Weaver-Zech and Dean’s Team Chicago