Chicago Home and Lifestyles – Try not to let your emotions get the best of you!

Have you ever become extremely angry for seemingly no reason? Some days it seems like I am on my last nerve, and everyone had better stay out of my way! 

I have been learning how to better assess my emotions and realize where they’re coming from. I ran across a method this week which may be helpful for you too.

The method is called HALT. It originates from the thought that people make poor decisions when they are Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired. Often, when we engage in negative behavior, one of these emotions is likely the underlying cause! Using a mindfulness technique like this one can regulate your emotions. If you feel off, ask the HALT questions:

Are you hungry? Being hungry often involves low blood sugar which can affect your decision-making abilities as well as your physical well-being. In short, you do not have the energy to regulate your emotions. Chemicals released in your brain change when hungry which can lead to anger and hastiness in decisions. Identify hunger signals like headaches, stomach rumbling, and irritability. Eat something ASAP. Include some protein like yogurt and a complex carb like nuts or whole grain cereal. A small meal is best, and try to avoid things high in sugar which will raise you fast, but the crash comes quickly.

Are you angry about something specific? Anger can make you impatient and can stimulate adrenaline and the part of your brain that involves threat stimuli also becomes involved. When you are becoming mindful of your emotions you can recognize that you are angry and use a technique to bring calm and self-awareness. Deep breathing is one good method. Sometimes vigorous exercise is best as it can use some of that adrenaline your anger churned up. 

Are you lonely? We are social beings and when we become lonely it can lead to anxiety and depression as well as making poor decisions because we feel disconnected. Loneliness is a little harder to manage. Try to reach out to someone with whom you can be your authentic self. Face to face connection especially promotes nervous system regulation that can move you back to a good baseline. 

Are you tired? Most of us feel tired more often than we ever have before. Life is so incredibly fast paced we seem to think we need to be working 24/7. Unfortunately, the result is exhaustion. You feel foggy and increased stress, especially when decisions need to be made. We need to prioritize our tasks and the decisions we need to make, and acknowledge we do not need to get everything done all at once. Prioritize a good night’s sleep, and the occasional break or walk outside can be beneficial. 

HALT is helpful for many people whether you have anger management issues or have chronic stress. It can help you pause and identify where your emotions are coming from and choose a less harmful route!

Kathleen Weaver-Zech and Dean’s Team Chicago