Kathy’s Home & Garden Tips – Late Fall Around the Home and Yard

The weather around Chicago this fall has been unusually mild. Early November saw temperatures in the seventies for almost a week. Many of us took the opportunity to finish cleaning up around the yard and garden to get ready for the winter.  I have been hearing the winter this year is going to be exceptionally cold and snowy, so it is best to be prepared.

There will still be a lot of fall rain, and we want the gutters to be free and clear of leaves and debris. For the most part, leaves have fallen, so a last clean out of the gutters is warranted. Run water through the downspouts to make sure they are clear and flowing. Clogged gutters and downspouts can cause damage to the roof and foundation. Your gutter and downspout system is there to divert water away from your house. Water can be one of the most damaging things to your home.  Check any outside drains for blown-in leaves to prevent flooding during fall rains.

Leaves again must be cleaned up all around the rest of the yard and garden too. Leaves can be used for fertilizer but must be processed first. You can put them in a compost pile and turn over regularly till they are decomposed. Leaving them on the lawn will choke the grass. It is about the worst thing to have leaves on the lawn over winter. However, do leave some in the garden along with pine needles. These will break down somewhat over the winter, and any left can be raked up in the spring. 

Clean leaves from around bushes and shrubs and make sure any mulch is not touching the stems or trunk. Tie up any weak shrubs that can be damaged by winter snow and winds.

Clean the lawnmower and all garden tools. Search for your specific mower online and follow the instructions for winterizing. Running out the gas and changing the plug and oil is usually necessary. You can clean tools with Murphy’s Oil Soap and steel wool. Rub oil on the wood handles and wipe off excess. Hang up rakes and brooms to keep them in good shape. Start the snow blower now, well before the snow flies. It will be much easier to get it serviced if necessary now before the first snowfall.