9 Ways to Bring Feng Shui Into Your Home

If balance and harmony are what you’re seeking to bring into your home this spring, then tap into the energy that Feng Shui can offer.

This ancient Chinese art of existing in peace with your surrounding environment is based on the notion that your home reflects your life. Everything that surrounds you holds an energy called “chi,” which can be used to bring tranquility, energy, luck, and even wealth into your home. And at the same time, Feng Shui can also help add a sense of style.

Here are 9 ways to add elements of Feng Shui to your home.


1. Clear Out the Clutter

Getting rid of clutter is just good advice no matter what look you’re trying to achieve in your home. But when it comes to Feng Shui, de-cluttering is absolutely essential to achieving harmony in the home and in life. Clutter in any space inhibits the free flow of positive energy, and can even jumble the mind when exposed to it.

Even if the living space is free and clear of unnecessary items, how they’re put away can also clutter your thinking. It’s just as important to tuck your belongings away in an orderly fashion behind closet doors or up in the attic as it is to keep the exposed area clean and clutter-free. Having a tidy and organized home will bring feelings of relaxation and tranquility upon anyone who dwells within it.


2. Allow Open Flow Energy Through the Front Door

A true Feng Shui front door is one that allows positive energy to flow freely and openly into the home. That means there should be nothing obstructing this flow, such as a ratty door mat, cracked plant pots, mail litter, or trash bins. Even the condition of the door itself should be in good shape, which means it should be void of peeling paint, cracked wood, or a rusty door knob. The best Feng Shui door is one that is clean and unobstructed, helping to keep the flow of energy into the home smooth and easy.

3. Bring in Some Balance

Feng Shui incorporates five key elements: earth, wood, fire, water, and metal. As such, every room in your home should incorporate each of these elements in order to capture the true effect of this ancient art. The idea behind implementing these five elements into the home is that they help one stay grounded and balanced between life and the surrounding natural environment. Placing a wooden bowl filled with fruit or a metal vase filled with flowers somewhere in the home are simple ways to add these elements.


4. Bring the Outdoors In

There’s a reason why people seek out the heat of the sun’s rays, the sounds of the ocean waves, and the smell of fresh greenery. There’s something inherently peaceful about nature, and studies have shown that being surrounded by it reduces feelings of anxiety and anger, and boosts feelings of happiness and satisfaction. Open the windows and let in some fresh air and natural light. Decorate with wood, and add some character with rocks and stones. Include as much greenery to the interior as possible. Hang photos and art that emulate natural scenery. Any way that you can mimic nature in your home can bring more peace and serenity to your surroundings.

5. Make Good Use of Mirrors

Mirrors not only reflect images, they also reflect energy. They’re most ideally suited in areas of the home where you want to boost the level of energy flow. When hanging them, be sure to stay conscious of what they’ll be reflecting. Ideally, they should be reflecting something positive or energetic, rather than a dull and lifeless object. However, you should stay away from hanging mirrors that reflect the front door, as they’ll end up sending positive vibes back out of the house.


6. Place Living Plants, Flowers and Fruit Throughout Your Home

Live plants and vegetation have their own unique chi that will instinctively attract energy to them. Live potted plants and fresh flowers promote positive energy, and should always be chosen over synthetic plastic versions. However, anything with thorns should be avoided, as these can work against the chi you’re trying to attract. The best places for plants are in the kitchen, dining room, and family room (to promote health, life, and connection). Displays of fruit are ideal in the bedroom, and bowls of citrus fruits scattered about the home can bring good luck.

7. Position Furniture to Encourage Comfort

How your furniture is positioned can make all the difference in the level of comfort and safety you feel in your home. Feng Shui is all about comfort, so be sure that the way your furniture is arranged encourages that. Place the biggest furniture piece in a position that does not block the view of the door. Anything that blocks it won’t allow you to see who may be coming in, which may evoke feelings of vulnerability.


8. Stay Away From Sharp Corners and Lines

Sharp, rigid lines and corners are said to give off negative vibes. Instead, round edges are much more conducive to the effects that Feng Shui is meant to achieve. When corners are necessary, make sure that they are not pointing in the direction of the bed or sofa, as these spots are meant to be hubs of calmness and repose.

9. Use Positive Colors

Neutral colors are quite often used in homes, as they are timeless and appeal to the masses. But they don’t necessarily do much to bring positive energy and relaxation into the home. Colors play a key role in Feng Shui, and each hue represents a distinct element. For instance, green is often used in a Feng Shui-inspired home to symbolize nature, while yellow signifies power.

Feng Shui might be less about home decor and more about making simple changes and additions that allow the positive energy into your home to move about freely. But you’ll find that a fabulous perk to incorporating Feng Shui into your home is a much more esthetically pleasing space! Give these tips a try to help bring wealth, energy, and style into your home!
