Kathy’s Home & Garden Tips – Tips for Success

The New Year is here and many of us are setting out to make this the best year ever. We have our goals set and we are ready to go. Here are a few tips used by high achievers that could make our year that much more successful.

Are you a snooze person? It’s not all bad. Instead of falling back to sleep and waking groggier than ever, take those 9 minutes to do a self-scan. Breathe deeply and stretch out your entire body. Think about things left unaccomplished the day before and how to finish them. Go over your plan for the day.

Deal with as much of your email as early as you can. Answer all that can be done quickly. Read the first lines of the rest, decide what needs immediate attention, and leave the rest marked unread. Next, write drafts for critical emails that demand more involved answers.  Make sure you proofread your answers, but don’t overthink. The rest can be dealt with later in the day.

Think about the top five things that would make your day successful. They can include one or two personal things. Start early in the day with your top priority. This is when your energy is highest. This task can maybe be one that’s not your favorite, so getting it done early gets it off your plate. Hold yourself accountable. If you find you have a to-do list longer than five, segment it according to due dates and priority. 

Do a smart week calendar that blocks all your time, both personal and work. Make sure to book your off time first; we often forget in this 24/7 world. Then schedule repetitive tasks and priorities. Always put in fudge time, as we know additional tasks will be added or others will take longer than anticipated.

Learn to listen. Make all your engagements everyday more personal. Make a conscious effort to ask questions and really LISTEN to the answers. People really do appreciate being listened to! More and more of our contact today is online, so we shouldn’t forget the value of personal contact. 

Decide to build a good habit. Whether it is working out, eating a good breakfast, or making your daily schedule the night before, it will take about 60 days to make it a habit. Most people that fail do so around the 3-week mark. Track your progress; this will make you more likely to reach success. Having someone doing it with you will help create accountability.

Start a gratitude journal. Every night, write down at least three things you were grateful for that day. They can be small or large. It really makes for a good frame of mind to end the day and look forward to tomorrow.